Accord Cinétique is managed by a Board of Directors, which decides collectively on the association's actions and orientations.
An Executive Committee, elected from among the members of the Board of Directors, ensures the smooth running of the association.
Board of Directors :
Irénée Blin l Hélène Bourette l Odile Cazes l Charlotte Champagne
Marine Combrade l Soahanta De Oliveira l Katérina Flora l Robert Le Nuz
Emmanuelle Lyon l Coralie Mineur l Romain Panassié l Sophie Quenon
Valène Roux Azy l Martine Truong Tan Trung l Valentine Vuilleumier
Executive Committee :
Martine Truong Tan Trung : Chairwoman
Katérina Flora : Vice-chairwoman
Hélène Bourette : Treasurer
Irénée Blin : Vice-treasurer
Romain Panassié : Secretary
accord cinétique