Dance & Health

For dancers, “preserving your health throughout your life” largely involves a concept that is still underdeveloped : prevention

Download here the health document on AFCMD, written by members of the Accord Cinétique association in collaboration with the CN D team (French version available only)

“A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

According to the Dance & Health guide published by the Centre National de la Danse in 2023 :

AFCMD is presented among the practices to be integrated into one's training, in order to “work on movement with full awareness”.

“In France, Functional Analysis of the Dancing Body(AFCMD) is conceived and taught with a view to prevention, and can be one of the tools to integrate into physical preparation”.

Health is defined by the World health Organization (WHO) as :

Preventing risks means incorporating the two facets of a demanding profession :
understanding the body and its motor, biomechanical and physiological structures
- Developing an
expressive and sensitive movement practice with full awareness”...

© N. Adam

Events & Meetings

IADMS 34th Annual Conference
à Rimini en Italie
Forum « Créer les conditions de sa santé »

au Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie

AFCMD professionals are invited to take part in training courses and events (study days, meetings, forums, etc.) organized around the issue of dancers' health :

© S. Bellocq

Forum Danse et santé, Regards croisés sur la santé du danseur

à Biarritz, organisé par CCN Ballet Malandain Biarritz / Institut Danse Santé / Centre national de la danse

Formations organisées par le CEFEDEM de Normandie :

AFCM Danse - Développement psychomoteur de l’enfant et de l’adolescent

AFCMD - Créer les conditions d’un parcours danse « en santé »